Level Access offers PDF remediation by request. We’ve made it even easier to get started by integrating the request process into the platform.
- PDF remediation typically takes between 5-10 days. The turnaround period varies based on size and complexity of PDF.
- You’ll receive a notification when a remediated PDF is uploaded to the platform.
- PDF remediation is a paid service. Contact your CSM if you have any questions about this service.
- For all other document remediation services, for example Word or PowerPoint, submit a request via the Document remediation services form.
On this page:
Before you can request PDF remediation, your PDFs must be:
- Uploaded to and tested in the platform.
- 20 MB or less. For PDFs larger than 20 MB, submit them with a support ticket.
Request from the PDF page
To request PDF remediation from the PDF page:
- Log in to the platform.
- Make sure you're in the appropriate workspace.
- Select PDF.
- Choose each PDF you want to request remediation for.
- Select Bulk actions.
- Choose Request remediation.
- Select Request remediation.
The PDF status will update to Awaiting Remediation. You’ll receive an email confirmation for the request.
Request from the Test report page
To request PDF remediation from the Test report page:
- Log in to the platform.
- Make sure you're in the appropriate workspace.
- Select PDF.
- On the PDF you’d like to remediate, select View report.
- Select Request remediation.
- Choose Request remediation.
The PDF status will update to Awaiting Remediation on the PDF main page. You’ll receive an email confirmation for the request.
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