Format your task descriptions and comments to make elements stand out, using both Markdown syntax and conventional mark-up.
On this page:
What Is Markdown?
Markdown is a simple markup language and an easy way to add formatting to plain text. It uses common symbols like asterisks and number signs instead of complicated tags.
Formatting with Markdown
The platform currently supports the following formatting elements:
To add bold text, put two asterisks before and after the text you want bolded.
Example: I want to create **bold text.**
To add italics, put one asterisk before and after the text you want italicized.
Example: I want to create text in *italics.*
To add a strikethrough, put two tilde symbols before and after the text you want crossed out.
Example: I want to ~~strikethrough this text.~~
To add a hyperlink, put square brackets around the text you want linked and then add the url in parentheses.
Example: I want to add a [hyperlink](url).
Bulleted lists
To create a bulleted list, put a dash before each list item. Make sure you add a space between the dash and the item. Indent list items by two spaces to create sub-bullets.
- List item
- List item
- Sub-bullet
- Sub-bullet
Numbered lists
To create a numbered list, put a number followed by a period before each list item. Make sure you add a space between the period and the item.
1. List item
2. List item
3. List item
To add headings, put a number sign followed by a space before the heading text. Add up to six levels of headings.
# Heading 1
## Heading 2
### Heading 3
#### Heading 4
##### Heading 5
###### Heading 6
Formatting without Markdown
Linked URLs
To add a linked URL, enter the full URL in the comment or description.
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