AMP reporting FAQs
- Should I use OAuth 1.0 or 2.0 when setting up my AMP bug tracking connection?
- Where can I find specific violations on the AMP report (advanced view)?
- How can I use the AMP report (advanced view) to help me plan remediation?
- Can I view Assistive Technology (AT) test results on the AMP report (advanced view)?
- What area of the AMP report (advanced view) should I focus on as a compliance officer or web master?
- AMP compliance scores FAQ
- Can I delete just one Assistive Technology from a use case in AMP?
- Why can't I find a violation in the AMP source page?
- What's meant by report state in AMP?
- The compliant (or non-compliant) code example in AMP seems irrelevant, why is that?
- I see line numbers in the AMP report results. What do they mean?
- Why are my AMP reports showing Compliance Rates Charts for Industry Standards I don't want?
- Why do the compliance graphics on the AMP Overview page of my report show less than 100% compliance, even though when I go to the Modules page, I don't see any violations?