Mobile SDKs are currently in beta. To learn more about joining the beta program, reach out to our team at
On this page:
Integrate the Mobile Testing SDK into your development process to easily test the accessibility of your Android and iOS apps using the Appium Java SDK.
Get started
Organization admin
To begin using the Mobile Testing SDK, you must be an organization admin in the Level Access Platform, ensure you have Android and iOS workspaces, and generate API keys. These are essential for configuring the Mobile Testing SDK.
Before installing Access Continuum, ensure the following prerequisites are installed in your environment:
- Java: Download Java
- Maven: Download Maven
- Appium Server:
npm install -g appium
- Android Studio for Android apps: Download Android Studio
- Xcode for iOS apps: Download Xcode
Installation guide
1. Apache Maven 3.9.9
- Visit the Apache Maven download page and download the Binary zip archive for version 3.9.9.
- Verify the integrity of the download (optional):
- Download the .asc file for PGP signature verification.
- Optionally, download the checksum files (SHA-512, MD5) and verify the integrity of the downloaded archive.
- Locate the downloaded file.
- Extract the contents to a directory of your choice (e.g., C:\Program Files\Apache\Maven on Windows or /usr/local/apache-maven on macOS/Linux).
2. Set Up environment variables
- Open environment variables:
- Go to This PC or Computer and select Properties.
- Select on Advanced system settings and then Environment Variables.
- Add MAVEN_HOME variable:
- In the System variables section, select New.
- Enter MAVEN_HOME as the variable name.
- Enter the path to the Maven directory (e.g., C:\Program Files\Apache\Maven\apache-maven-3.9.8) as the variable value.
- Select OK.
- Edit path variable:
- In the System variables section, find the path variable and select Edit.
- Add a new entry with %MAVEN_HOME%\bin.
- Select OK to close all dialog boxes.
- Open a terminal window.
- Edit profile file:
- Open your profile file in a text editor.
For bash:nano ~/.bash_profile
For zsh:
nano ~/.zshrc
- Add the following lines:
export MAVEN_HOME=/usr/local/apache-maven/apache-maven-3.9.9
- Open your profile file in a text editor.
- Save the file and exit (Ctrl + X, then Y to confirm changes).
Apply the changes.
- For bash:
source ~/.bash_profile
For zsh:
source ~/.zshrc
3. Verify the installation
- For bash:
- Open a new terminal window or command prompt.
- Run the following command to check if Maven is installed correctly:
mvn -v
- Verify output:
- You should see output that includes the Maven version, Java version, and operating system details, similar to the following:
Apache Maven 3.9.8 (XYZ)
Maven home: C:\Program Files\Apache\Maven\apache-maven-3.9.8
Java version: 1.8.0_242, vendor: Oracle Corporation
Java home: C:\Program Files\Java\jdk1.8.0_242\jre
Default locale: en_US, platform encoding: Cp1252
OS name: "windows 10", version: "10.0", arch: "amd64", family: "windows"
- You should see output that includes the Maven version, Java version, and operating system details, similar to the following:
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