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Run accessibility tests and review the test results on Android and iOS mobile applications using the Level Access mobile testing SDK and send the results to the platform.
Run the tests and submit your results
1. Start the Appium Server
To initiate the Appium server, use the following command in your terminal:
appium --base-path /wd/hub
This command ensures Appium is running with the correct base path. Keep this terminal session open while running the tests.
2. Run Tests Using Maven
To begin the scan, execute the Maven command based on your platform:
- For iOS:
mvn -DplatformName=iOS test
- For Android:
mvn -DplatformName=android test
3. Test for assertions
To generate test results compatible with the Level Access Platform, you need to run all tests using the runAllTestsForAssertions() method. This method will return an array of assertion objects, which represent the results of the accessibility tests.
2. Get the reporting service
To submit test results to the Level Access Platform, retrieve an instance of the LevelAccessPlatformReportingService from Continuum. This service will allow you to manage scan sessions and submit your test results.
LevelAccessPlatformReportingService reportingService =
3. Open a scan session
Before submitting any test results, you must open an active scan session. This can be done by calling the openScanSession() method on the reporting service instance and providing a session name.
reportingService.openScanSession("Your Scan Session Name");
4. Submit your results to the platform
After opening a scan session, submit the test results (Assertion objects) to the Level Access Platform by calling the submit() method on the reporting service. The results will be automatically tied to the URL of the current mobile app, and additional metadata such as the page title and screen dimensions will be recorded.
Assertion[] assertions = Continuum.getAssertions();
5. Complete the scan session
When testing is complete, you can finalize the process by calling completeScanSession() on the reporting service instance. This ensures the scan session is properly closed.
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