On this page:
Violation instances
The Violations Instances Report View gives the user a view of every violation instance across an entire AMP report. This report view provides the following columns by default:
- Actions: Allows you to edit and delete violation instances.
- Module: The name of the module the violation is occurring on
- Violation: The name of the Best Practice that is in violation
- Description: The code that is in violation.
- Severity: The severity rating for the violation
- Pattern/Global: Link to any patterns or globals that may be assigned to the violation
- Note: Any note added by a user about the code in question.
- Instance Status: The status of the violation ('Failed', 'Fixed', 'Passed', 'Reviewed')
Also available by choosing the Customize Columns button
- Media Type: You can filter by media type, which is the medium through
- Thumbnail: Shows thumbnail of any associated screenshots to the violation.
- Page Number: Shows page number if applicable.
- Jira: (Only applicable with JIRA integration - see article)
- Module Location: Shows the location of the module that was tested, commonly a URL.
Customize report columns
The Violations Instances report view can be customized to show and hide any of the available columns, listed above, within the report. When a report is downloaded to Excel, the downloaded document will include all columns in the report, and the data that matches the filter selections for the report. In order to add or remove columns, you can follow these steps:
- Navigate to the 'Violations Instances' page
- Select the 'Change Columns' button, located in the upper right-hand region of the page visually (the screenshot below also shows its location)
- Select and de-select the columns that you would like displayed in the table.
Filter violations
The 'Filter Violations' sidebar is a collapsible sidebar that allows for the customization of the 'Violations Instances' table, allowing for greater flexibility in exporting. You can filter violations based on key words, media type, severity, status, and standard. You are able to reset the values to default as well, to be displayed the original table again.
The 'Keywords' form field allows for the filtering of violation instances that match a search string entered in this field.
Filter by platform/media type
You can filter by media type by selecting the dropdown in the 'Platform/Media Type' section of the 'Filter Violations' table. Select the media types and/or platforms that you would like displayed and select the 'Filter' button in order to filter the table.
Severity, status, and standard
Severity: You can choose a specific severity value to quickly filter the table.
Status: The choices here are 'All', 'Fixed', 'Passed', 'Reviewed', or 'Failed'. These are the statuses of the violations, all automatically flagged violations being 'Failed' by default.
Standard: This lets you filter based on Standard, such as 'WCAG 2.0 A', 'WCAG 2.0 AA', etc.
You are able to collapse the table at any time by activating the ‘Collapse’ action icon, in the upper right-hand area of the filter bar. It is also shown in the screenshot below.
Download Excel file
You can use the "Excel" button to export the current filtered and customized contents of the data table. All pages of data will be included in the download.
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