The Report Modules view of an AMP Report displays all modules in the report.
On this page:
Modules data
All modules are displayed in a grid with the following columns of data, by default:
- Actions: Contains links for editing or deleting a module
- Selection Column: This column includes a checkbox for each row, allowing users to select one or more modules at a time.
- Name: The name of the individual module, which is also a link to the “View Module” page which provides additional details about the module.
- Location: Displays the actual location of the module, for a webpage the location would be the URL for the specific webpage.
- Thumbnail: This contains any thumbnails that were captured or uploaded for the module.
- Violation Count - Displays the Number of violations found in the module
- Viewport Size: The viewport size that was used to test the site.
- Tester: Displays the name of the user assigned to perform module testing, defaults to the report owner. Only Organizational Administrators have the ability to assign modules to users for testing.
- Manual Testing: Provides a link to the "Manual Testing Tree".
The following columns of data can also be added by selecting the Select Columns button in the upper right corner of the table:
- Path: The manual steps that are required to access the module, if the module is a node of a page
- Browser: The browser used for testing
Module actions
- Add Module: Launches the "Add Module" modal, which allows you to add new modules to the report
- Edit Module: Launches the "Edit Module" modal allows users to edit the properties for one or more selected modules
- Delete Module: Deletes one or more selected modules.
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