The table below describes the advanced settings for AMP web tests.
Setting | Description |
Viewport Size | Some websites dynamically show or hide content depending on the size of screen they’re viewed on. Change or customize the viewport size in scans to get an accurate understanding of how your website performs at each display size. |
Maximum Page Count | The total number of pages that the spider can attempt to collect. |
Publish Document Inventory | AMP will catalog any documents (.pdf, .doc, .txt, .xls) it finds during the test and create a list of all documents and their locations. The list includes images if there are links to images at a URL. |
Scope |
Choose a basic restriction on the type of pages you want to test:
Ignore Iframes |
Choose to ignore iframes during testing so that no violations are reported. |
Apply Scope to IFrames |
Choose to test iframes only if they're in scope. For example, the scope is, and our homepage includes one iframe from another page on our site and one from our Linkedin feed. Choosing this option would only test the iframe that came from another page on our site and skip the one that came from Linkedin. |
Ignore URL Fragment |
Choose this option to ignore the URL fragment during link harvesting to reduce the number of duplicates urls being tested. URL fragments specify a location within a page and always contain the # character. |
Ignore Query String |
Ignore URL query strings during link harvesting to reduce the number of duplicate URLs. An example of a query string is the words you enter into a search bar on a webpage. Those words appear in the URL as a query string. |
Maximum Depth |
Choose a depth to indicate how many sub-levels of your website you'd like to test. Depth aligns with the number of backslashes in a URL. For example, has a depth of two. We recommend a depth of at least one. |
Maximum Argument Count |
Choose the number of unique argument pages to test for a given base URL. For example, the URL has one argument, which is product_id=123. If you set the Max Argument Count to three, AMP will only test the first three pages that it finds with the argument 'product_id'. After three, it won't test the additional pages. Sample: Maximum Argument Count = 3 (will test) (will test) (will test) (won't test, as its the fourth argument of the same kind and the maximum argument count is set to 3). However, would test based on the addition of a new argument in the URL. |
Negative Filters |
Defines a regular expression (using standard PHP syntax) that specifies pages that you don't want to test. An example of this is .*cgi-bin.*, which ignores all URLs that contain "cgi-bin". Negative Filters are | (pipe) delimited. |
Positive Filters |
Defines regular expression (using standard PHP syntax) that specifies pages or hosts that you want to test, essentially extending the Page Restriction setup. Positive Filters are | (pipe) delimited. Examples this are:
XPath Exclusion |
Specify a common section of the site to exclude from testing. For example, a specific div element. Format XPath Exclusions like this /htm/body/div[@id="RandomAds"], and separate additional XPaths using commas. Note: the XPath Exclusion field supports full XPath Syntax, including, for example, the not() XPath expression, as in: //*[not(ancestor-or-self::main)] or //*[not(ancestor-or-self::footer)],//*[not(ancestor-or-self::header)] You can utilize this flexibility to narrow in on the specific portion of the page you'd like to test in your spiders. |
User Agent |
Add a user agent string to test using a mobile user agent or Firefox. If you leave this field empty, AMP tests using Chrome. |
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