Level Access offers a self-hosting option for AMP for an implementation fee, in addition to an Enterprise-level AMP license.
On this page:
Required skills
Level Access expects that customers who self-host their instance of AMP have IT staff with the appropriate level of access, knowledge, and ability to perform basic hosting-related IT tasks, such as:
- Installation and configuration of server, application, and database software.
- Email (specifically SMTP) account setup and configuration.
- Configuration of DNS and other services.
- Obtaining or creating signed SSL certificates (https/TLS implementation is mandatory).
For more details on what is included with the self-hosted implementation fee, refer to the Self-Hosted AMP Implementation Fee SLA included in the AMP order form.
Supported configurations
Docker containers
There are three containers required to run AMP:
- Web Server - running PHP, responsible for the user interface and APIs.
- Application Server - Java, responsible for automated testing of HTML and PDF content.
- Database Server - MySQL, the RDBMS responsible for storing data and configuration.
Infrastructure deployment recommendation
Level Access recommends that you deploy the software onto virtualized environments to ensure maximum return on investment (ROI), implementation flexibility, and future scalability.
Level Access does not recommend a specific technology, vendor, or offer specific services in this domain.
System setup
This document assumes you're upgrading a preexisting self-hosted docker deployment of AMP.
Pull Apache image
Installing the Apache docker container requires you to log in to Level Access’s private docker repository. Log in using the steps below.
docker login docker.levelaccess.net
username: <to be delivered by Level Access>
password: <to be delivered by Level Access>
docker pull docker.levelaccess.net/docker-client/amp-rhel:9.49.0
Run latest Apache container
NOTE: If you use a SimpleSAML installation, be sure to update the VirtualHost configuration fileamp.conf
and change theAlias /simplesaml
directive to point to/opt/simplesamlphp/public
before running an AMP RHEL Docker container.
Use the same run command from the initial setup process to start the Apache container. Be sure to run this command from the same folder where the docker-files.zip was unzipped during the initial docker container setup process. The code block below shows the command from the initial setup process with the new image referenced.
docker run --name="apache" -p 443:8444 -d \
--volume $(pwd)/docker/apache/amp.conf:/etc/httpd/conf.d/apache24-amp.conf:Z \
--volume $(pwd)/docker/ssl:/etc/httpd/ssl/:Z \
--volume $(pwd)/docker/apache/assistant:/opt/amp/amp/access-assistant:Z \
--volume $(pwd)/docker/apache/continuum:/opt/amp/amp/continuum:Z \
--volume $(pwd)/docker/apache/amp/exports:/opt/amp/amp/exports:Z \
--volume $(pwd)/docker/apache/amp/uploads:/opt/amp/amp/uploads:Z \
--volume $(pwd)/docker/apache/amp/macro_scripts:/opt/amp/amp/macro_scripts:Z \
--volume $(pwd)/docker/apache/amp/documents:/opt/amp/documents:Z \
--volume $(pwd)/docker/apache/amp/private_keys:/opt/amp/private_keys:Z \
--volume $(pwd)/docker/apache/amp/iftb_source:/opt/amp/iftb_source:Z \
--add-host "onprem.ssbbartgroup.com:" \
Finalize AMP upgrade
To finalize the AMP upgrade:
- Log in to your AMP instance as a Root Admin user. You'll be directed to the AMP Schema Updates page.
- Select Standard Data Updates.
- Choose Submit. Your AMP is now upgraded.
Optional: SimpleSAML
If you use the SimpleSAML installation Level Access provided with AMP, you can upgrade the SSO SAML service. Learn more about the upgrade process for SSO SAML service.
Pull spider image
Installing the Spider docker container requires you to log in to Level Access’s private docker repository. Please use the following steps:
docker login docker.levelaccess.net
username: to be delivered by Level Access
password: to be delivered by Level Access
docker pull docker.levelaccess.net/docker-client/spider-rhel:9.42.0
Run latest spider container
Use the same run command from the initial setup process to start the spider container. Be sure to run this command from the same folder where the docker-files.zip was unzipped during the initial docker container setup process. The code block below shows the command from the initial setup process with the new image referenced.
docker run --name="spider" -p 8080:8080 -p 8443:8443 -d \
--volume $(pwd)/docker/spider/spidering-services.json:/amp/spidering-services.json:Z \
--volume $(pwd)/docker/spider/ssl/amp.crt:/tmp/ssl/amp.crt:Z \
--volume $(pwd)/docker/spider/ssl/amp.key:/tmp/ssl/amp.key:Z \
--add-host "yourhost.ssbbartgroup.com:" \
Finalize spider upgrade
To confirm the spider container is running the correct version:
- Go to the URL where the spider container is available with the path:
The URL will show a very basic HTML page that has the version number of the AMP services running in the spider container.
The Version column in the Build Info table should show 9.42.
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