On this page:
Before you start
Before installing Access Continuum for iOS, the following prerequisites should be installed in your environment:
- Java 11 (http://www.oracle.com/technetwork/java/javase/downloads/index.html)
- Maven (https://maven.apache.org/)
- Xcode (https://developer.apple.com/xcode/)
- Appium Desktop (https://github.com/appium/appium-desktop)
- Carthage package 0.28.0 or later (https://github.com/Carthage/Carthage/releases)
Getting Started
Step 1: Download Access Continuum for iOS
- Log into AMP and navigate to the Toolbox tab in your instance of AMP (e.g., https://amp.ssbbartgroup.com/toolbox.php).
- Download Access Continuum for iOS. It can be found in the Access Continuum of the Toolbox section.
- Unzip the file. The src/main/resources/continuum.properties file defines all Access Continuum-specific configuration for this project.
Step 2: Setup
- Set `mobilePathToAppFile` to the absolute path of the app you'd like to test.
Step 3: Test your iOS app with Access Continuum
- Start Appium Desktop, and select the 'Start Server' button (For testing with Access Continuum, there's no change needed for this step)
- Start testing using Maven: mvn test
- You should get test results in JSON format with each violation detailed as follows:
iOS Test Results Sample
[{"engineTestId":89,"attribute":"This Image element does not have an accessible label","testResult":0,"bestPracticeId":1584,"element":"<XCUIElementTypeImage name=\"eye\" width=\"101\" height=\"100\" x=\"137\" y=\"199\"..."} ]
Explanation of Test Results
- bestPracticeId references the Best Practice number for Android in AMP.
- element gives you details of exactly which element on the screen was flagged.
- testResult of 0 means the test did not pass.
- attribute is a description of what issue was found.
Read more about test results in the "Access Continuum Test Results" article.
Testing Access Continuum Using the Sample iOS App
This is a basic native iOS app with one view and two scenes. The view contains two tabs to switch between the two scenes. One of the tabs is comprised of only accessible components, while the other consists of components that are all not accessible. Each component in both tabs is labeled according to why it passes or fails Continuum's accessibility validation.
To test this app with the Continuum for iOS mobile testing framework:
- Open this project in Xcode.
- In the top navigation menu select Product > Build For > Running `cmd + shift + R'. This will build a .app directory in the projects build directory (Preferences > Locations > Derived Data, which defaults to `${HOME}/Library/Developer/Xcode/DerivedData`.
To find the path the following command can be executed within terminal:
find ~/Library/Developer/Xcode/DerivedData -type d -mtime -1 -name “*.app”
Note the full path and paste it into your `continuum.properties` file in your installation of Continuum for iOS (in `src/main/resources` directory of that project) as the value for `mobilePathToAppFile` attribute.
From here, refer to the README in the Continuum for iOS project for more information on subsequent steps.
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