Access Continuum is a Level Access product that allows you to integrate accessibility testing in your continuous integration (CI) process using Access Engine, a standalone JavaScript-based testing engine.
Access Continuum integrates Access Engine with test automation frameworks, so you can run accessibility tests on code snippets, nodes of a page, or a fully-rendered page while your organization is running their other automated tests. You can simply embed accessibility testing within your existing automated testing infrastructure and process, which allows your development team to resolve accessibility issues when they are much more cost-effective to fix, before they're released to production.
Access Continuum includes:
- Access Engine. Note that the community edition of Access Continuum includes the professional edition of Access Engine, giving you access to automatic tests available to Level Access customers without access to AMP. Guided automatic tests and customized testing controls aren't included in the community edition.
- Sample Projects. To demonstrate how to integrate accessibility testing into your existing automated testing process, you'll have access to a number of sample projects for popular test automation frameworks. These include sample helper files that show how to call our accessibility tests from within these automated testing tools.
Currently, sample projects are available for the following frameworks:
- Continuum for C#
- xUnit
- Continuum for Java:
- Cucumber / Selenium
- TestNG on Sauce Labs
- JUnit
- Continuum for JavaScript:
- Jasmine / Karma
- CucumberJs / Selenium
- Jest
- Playwright
- WebdriverIO
- Continuum for Ruby
- Cucumber/Selenium
- Continuum for Python:
- Robot Framework / Selenium
- Continuum for Mobile:
- Appium - Android
- Appium - iOS
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