The Report Overview is the default screen that will be loaded when a report is viewed in AMP, it is comprised of a title, a bookmark option, breadcrumb navigational aid, Action Icons, and widgets.
On this page:
Default overview widgets
By Default the following widgets are loaded on the AMP Report Overview page.
- Recent Organization Tree - The Recent Organization Tree widget provides a means to navigate between Projects and reports within the current organization. This navigational tool follows a tree organization structure that allows you to visualize the Organization to project to Report hierarchy.
Report Info - The Report Info widget provides basic information about the report, such as:
- Report Name - The name provided by the user who manually created the report, or the name for the report derived from the AMP Test which created it.
- Created - The date on which the report was created.
- Technology Platform - The type of technology that was tested. AMP reports are based on a single technology platform.
- Report State - This is the state that the report is currently in. Created means the report has been created, and is currently in the testing process. Published indicates that the report is completed and finalized.
- Compliance Health By Ruleset - This widget shows how compliant (as a percentage) the tested material is in context to each individual standard ruleset.
- Top Issues - A value-weighted list of the top active issues identified for this report sorted by priority. This prioritization model, derived using AMP’s SNT ratings, provides a list of best practices that provide the most benefit if fixed first.
Level of Testing Completed - An outline of the completionstatue for all three levels of accessibility testing:
- Automated – Completed by AMP’s testing engine.
- Manual – Testing conditions which must be completed by a human tester.
- Functional – Testing performed with assistive technologies (screen readers, screen magnification software, voice recognition software, etc.).
Report overview action icons
Action Icons have replaced the left navigation pane that had previously appeared inside AMP Reports. You can now access those same functions by selecting the relevant Action icon from the top right of an AMP Report.
Add widgets
The Add Widgets Action Icon provides you with a drop down list of available widgets that can be placed on the Report Overview Dashboard.
Edit report action icon
- Copy Report - Anyone with viewer or editor access to the report to create an exact copy or clone of the report. This is especially helpful during regression testing, or when users want to alter a report while retaining the original copy.
- Edit Report - Anyone with editor access to the report will be able to edit the report basics information.
- Delete Report - Anyone with editor access to the report can delete the report. This removes it permanently from the Organization, and it is not recoverable by the user.
- Move Report - Anyone with editor access can move the report from the current project to another project within their organization.
- Merge Report - Organization Administrators can merge the current report with another report that is in the same project that the current report is in.
- Override Severity - Organization Administrators can optionally change the severity of the best practices within a report. This will only affect the best practices within the report, but not outside of it.
- Create VPAT From Report - Organization Administrators can automatically generate a VPAT from a report.
Report views drop-down menu
The “Report Views” section of the navigation pane contains four links:
- Test Reports - Brings you to the Test Dashboard (only shows up if you have created the report using an automated spider)
- Documents and Permissions - Launches the “Documents and Permissions” modal which shows you any documents attached to the report, as well as all the users with permissions to the report and what their permissions are.
- Report Advisories - Lists best practices which are mapped to the report, but which are advisory, which means they don't count against compliance scores.
- Mapped standards and best practices - Launches the “Mapped standards and best practices” modal which lists every standard and the connected best practices that are active for the report.
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