With the AMP 9.14 release Level Access has introduced a new simplified report view. This new reporting view continues to provide the information enterprise-level accessibility initiatives demand like compliance level reporting, page level diagnostic reporting, intelligent violation modeling, but delivers this information in a more concise, intuitive manner. Below you can learn more about this new view and its features.
On this page:
Simplified report navigation
Report Navigation is now grouped into two sections: "Review" and "Fix & Prioritize"
The "Review" section contains links to additional report views that will help you review what was tested and perform high level analysis of the report compliance scores. This section contains:
- Modules - Provides a list of all of the modules that have currently been added to the report. The module summary provides a high level information for each module and allows for drilling into a more detailed violations view.
- Document Inventory - The document inventory section of a report depicts all non-web file types that were detected during the automated spidering/scanning of a website or application. You will also be able to perform PDF Testing from within the document inventory.
- Use Cases - Provide a repository for functional testing results. Use Cases are created and assigned to an assistive technology tester. The tester is able to perform the testing and enters all of the functional testing results into the proper use case. Creating use cases is not required in order to generate a report.
- Compliance Tables - Provides an overview of the current compliance levels for all of the accessibility standards that were used during the testing process on the report.
The "Fix & Prioritize" section contains links to report views that will help you analyze the violations that have been found, prioritize your violations, and take action to remediate your digital content
- Priority - Provides a customizable table that shows you the different violation types within the report and prioritizes them around AMPs prioritization model.
- Patterns - Provides a list of issues that were detected that occur on more than one module within the report (pattern) or across the entire report (global).
- Violations (Beta) - Provides a cumulative list of all of the violation instances across the entire report, that can be grouped by different criteria and filtered.
- Violations Instances - Provides a cumulative list of all of the best practices that have been violated across the entire report. The list of violations can be viewed in several different formats.
- Use Case Results - Loads a modal with a more concise view of the results of use case testing.
Report Status
At the top of the Simple Report Dashboard you will also find important information about your report. This is broken down into four sections "Status" "Compliance" "Description" "Basics"
- Status - The current report state.
- Automated Testing - The number of modules that have been tested automatically over the total number of modules in the report.
- Manual Testing - The number of modules that have been tested manually over the total number of modules in the report.
- Functional Testing - The number of use cases that have been tested over the total number of use cases in the report.
- Violation Instances - The number of violation instances within the report.
- Failed Best Practices - The number of Best Practices that have violations, this is synonymous with the number of violation types.
- Compliance Score - Visually represented as a donut chart with the compliance score nominally represented at the center. This score indicates the overall report compliance across all standards that were actively tested against.
- Description: A description that has been added automatically or manually to the report. Can contain details about the testing methodology behind the report or any other pertinent notes.
- Owner - The Report Owner, typically the creator of the report or test.
- Created - The date the report was created.
- Media Type - The report media type.
Report Deliverables
The report deliverables section has been updated to reflect a consolidated list of meaningful exports. For each export you will find an icon for either the respective Excel or PDF export.
Default widgets
By Default the following widgets are loaded on the AMP Report Overview page.
- Compliance Health By Ruleset - This widget shows how compliant (as a percentage) the tested material is in context to each individual standard ruleset.
- Top Issues - A value-weighted list of the top active issues identified for this report, sorted by priority. This prioritization model, derived using AMP’s SNT ratings, provides a list of best practices that provide the most benefit if fixed first.
- Report Comparative Overall Compliance - This widget allows you to compare the current report to others within the same Asset.
- Violations by Severity - This widget gives you a breakdown of the number of violations at each severity level within the report.
Where do I look if I am a compliance officer or Web Master?
Overview and Compliance Section
- Compliance officers and Web Masters would most likely spend a lot of time reviewing the Overview and Compliance sections of the report. This will provide a high-level indication of level of compliance with the overall standards and requirements (paragraphs / success criteria).
- This compliance information can then drive educational efforts to address requirements that regularly receive lower percentage scores.
I am a Developer / QA person and need to see the specific violations
Modules Section
- Developers and Q/A folks would benefit most from the Modules section of the report.
- This is the location when specific violations can be reviewed on a per module basis
- Selecting a module name under the modules tab will provide all of the specific details of violations detected
- Each instance of a violation will be mapped to a Best Practice which provide inline, actionable guidance on the violation
Patterns Section
- The location where violations that are repeated across multiple modules will appear
- Violations that are site/application-wide are also listed here. These issues are typically addressed first since fixing a single issue can drastically improve the overall compliance rates for the entire report
Where do I get started with planning remediation?
Violations Section
- The violations section will provide a view of all of the Best Practices that were violated by the report.
- Violations by Priority will prioritize issues that are typically fixed quickly with little effort or education required. Violations can be viewed by priority for a suggested order in which to fix issues. This will help to develop an intelligent plan for remediation efforts.
- Correcting the high priority violations will produce the quickest and largest overall positive impact on compliance levels.
- Educational efforts can also be driven through the Violations section of the report which will call out the most commonly occurring violations.
Can I view Assistive Technology (AT) Test Results?
Use Cases Section
- Note, the creation of Use Cases is not required in order to generate an AMP Report.
- Testing performed with AT devices, also known as functional testing, can be reviewed under the use cases tab.
- AT tests enter their testing results and comments into each use case.
- Functional testing results reflect a users experience when accessing the content with industry-standard AT devices.
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