If a user selects a best practice, they will be brought to the informational page for that best practice. This page has the following navigation tabs:
- Description - The Description tab includes a textual description of the best practice which explains why it is an accessibility concern and how it may impact users with disabilities.
- Examples - The Examples tab in includes compliant and non-compliant code-level examples.
- Recommendations - The changes recommended by Level Access' team of Accessibility Experts are found in the Recommendations section. Follow these instructions to remediate violations of accessibility that are flagged in a user's code.
- Standards - The Standards tab shows a list of the Standards that the Best Practice is associated with. It will display the Standards that are mapped to a user's Organization, as well as other standards that the Best Practice is mapped to.
- Tests - The Tests tab provides users with the tests associated with the Best Practice. Any test associated with the Best Practice will show up here, which include automatic, manual, and guided automatic tests.
- Modules (conditional) - This view shows up if a user navigates to the Best Practice Detail view from directly within a report. It will show all of the modules in the report that contain violations of the given best practice.
Each of the Best Practice Details pages include both a visual and textual description of the Severity, Noticeability, and Tractability (SNT) of the Best Practice.
- Severity - The Severity rating for the best practice: Severity is a measure of how large an impact on the user experience a violation of the best practice will have.
- Noticeability - The noticeability rating for the best practice: Noticeability is the likelihood that a given violation will be detected by users of a system.
- Tractability - The tractability rating for the best practice: Tractability defines the estimated costs associated with ensuring that instances of a violation are fixed in accordance with the best practice.
For more information on SNT Ratings, visit our AMP Prioritization Model documentation.
The severity score resides on the currently defined scale for a user's organization, the default being 1-10.
Severity scales (but not noticeability and tractability) can be customized to mimic an organization's standardized ratings system. For more information on achieving that, see the 'Custom Severities' section of our documentation.
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