Sometimes manual findings aren’t actionable. There are a number of reasons that you may want to dismiss a finding. A few examples include a bug fix that you can’t implement, or branding that won’t be changed. If that’s the case, you can dismiss the finding and move on with your remediation.
Remember that dismissing a finding doesn't fix the accessibility issue. Too many dismissed findings can affect your accessibility compliance. As a best practice, only dismiss findings when you need to.
On this page:
Dismiss a finding
You can dismiss any finding with the status Open, Not fixed, Not reproducible, and Cannot be fixed. You can’t dismiss a finding that’s linked to a task and you can’t create a task from a dismissed finding.
To dismiss a manual finding:
- Go to Websites/apps.
- Select the website or app you'd like to review.
- Choose Evaluations.
- Select the evaluation.
Select the Findings tab.
Select the Finding ID of the finding you want to dismiss.
- Open the finding you want to dismiss.
- Select Dismiss.
- Enter the reason for dismissing the finding.
- Select Dismiss issue. The finding will remain in the Evaluation Results table with the Dismissed status.
Restore a finding
To restore a manual finding:
- Go to Websites/apps.
- Select the website or app you'd like to review.
- Choose Evaluations.
- Select the evaluation.
Select the Findings tab.
Select the Finding ID of the finding you want to restore.
- Open the finding you want to restore.
- Select a different status from the dropdown.
- Enter the reason for restoring the finding.
- Select Restore issue.
Check the activity log
The manual finding activity log shows the details from each time a finding is dismissed or restored. The activity log includes:
- The activity.
- The date and time of activity.
- Who did the activity.
To a check a manual finding’s activity log:
- Go to Websites/apps.
- Select the website or app you'd like to review.
- Choose Evaluations.
- Select the evaluation.
- Select the Findings tab.
- Select the Finding ID.
- Select the speech bubble icon.
The dismissed findings and the reason are tracked in the activity log.
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