Level Access testing SDKs allow you to integrate accessibility testing in your continuous integration (CI) pipeline using Access Engine.
Level Access testing SDKs integrate Access Engine with test automation frameworks, so you can run accessibility tests on code snippets, nodes of a page, or a fully-rendered page while you're running your other automated tests. Embedding accessibility testing in your existing automated testing infrastructure and process allows your development team to resolve accessibility issues when they are much more cost-effective to fix, before they're released to production. Learn more about downloading the testing SDKs.
Level Access testing SDKs include:
- Access Engine. Test your website/app throughout the development process using the market’s most advanced automated testing engine.
- Platform integration. Push the accessibility test result to the platform, so you can track progress, review the results, and manage your findings in one place.
- Sample Projects. Learn how to integrate accessibility testing into your existing automated testing process with our sample projects. Level Access has a number of sample projects for popular test automation frameworks.
The following sample projects are available for Level Access testing SDKs:
- C#
- xUnit
- Java:
- Cucumber / Selenium
- TestNG on Sauce Labs
- JUnit
- JavaScript:
- Jasmine / Karma
- Cucumberjs / Selenium
- Jest
- Playwright
- WebdriverIO
- Ruby
- Cucumber / Selenium
- Python:
- Robot Framework / Selenium
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