Introduced with Access Analytics 4.0, the new "Recommendations Dashboard" is designed to provide you with the guidance you need to understand what the next steps are to resolve your highest priority accessibility issues, through remediation of the issues and/or training and process changes. This information is delivered through three widgets:
On this page:
- Testing and remediation
- Testing and remediation next steps
- Training and process improvement
- Training and process improvement next steps
Testing and remediation
The Testing and Remediation table displays the pages with the most violations in the most active pages by volume*. The top 25 pages with the most accessibility violations will be displayed in a table in this widget, the columns will display the following information:
- Page: The URL of the page.
- Rank (by Visits): The page rank, starting with 1 for the most active ascending to 25 for the least active of the pages.
- Total Visits: The total # of visits to the page
- Total Violations: The total # of unique violation instances in the most recent snapshot of the page.
*top 10% with a minimum of 100 pages
Testing and remediation next steps
The "Next Steps" widget allows you to run AMP testing against the top 25 pages with the most accessibility violation as outlined in the "Testing and Remediation" widget. This AMP testing will generate an AMP report that will give more specific guidance for understanding the individual violation instances on the page and how to remediate them. In order to initiate this testing you will be prompted with a "Test Highest Priority Pages" modal. This modal will ask you to define the following fields:
- Select Asset: The AMP asset that you would like the report, created form this test, associated with. If the domain is already mapped to an AMP asset it will be prepopulated.
- Report: This field allows you to either select an existing report or create a new report to save test results.
- Description: Allows you to enter a description for the report, if a new report is being created.
Training and process improvement
The "Training and Process Improvement" section of the "Recommendations Dashboard" is designed to help highlight the Best Practices, and thus accessibility requirements, that are most prevalent. This helps you and your team identify areas where knowledge depth could be improved. To help facilitate this we will guide you to Access Academy courses as well as to the Best Practice details for those prevalent violations, so you can get the depth of knowledge you need.
- Best Practice: Display the Best Practice name (e.g., Provide alternative text for images) This should link to BP page.
- Media Type: Display the Media Type for the BP. This should link to Media Type page.
- Pages with Violations: Display the total number of pages in the last snapshot of the asset that have a violation of the Best Practice
- Total Violations: Displays the total number of violation instances of the BP in the last snapshot of the asset.
Training and process improvement next steps
The "Next Steps" for "Training and Process Improvement" gives you the ability to launch directly into Access Academy. In Access Academy you will find a number of courses to help bolster your digital accessibility knowledge and help ensure you have the details you need to build accessible content. To access Access Academy just select the "Take Courses" button!
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